There he was, our little boy, lying unresponsive on the bathroom floor. Colour drained from his face, eyes vacant… a parent’s worst nightmare.
THAT was the moment.
THAT moment will be etched into my brain forever and yet it was an otherwise, ordinary moment. A bath with his sister.
THAT moment was not meant to end up THIS way.
THAT moment was the start of all the interruptions since.
Our ordinary lives now touched by the OUT of the ordinary and no day will ever return to an ‘everyday’ as our life had been.
It's been a year today since THAT moment and so much has happened. Unfortunately he still does not have seizure control and trialling different treatment options every few months means a variety of side effects have come his way BUT our resilient little boy has done SO well.
One year on is a poignant day and one with a lot of emotion but also one with a lot of joy.
One year on I am starting the prelaunch for a business that has come from turning the pain of the last year into a new purpose. A purpose to help my son and other children who struggle with big emotions, a purpose to help overwhelmed parents and a purpose to be the change I want to see in the world.
If you want to be part of that change, the change that sees our children as a whole person, more than just the results they achieve. If you want to look after the mental wellbeing of our children then I would love you to follow along here and here and grab my freebie here.
A Box Full of Joy for children is just the beginning, there will be online courses, there will be boxes for adults and teens. Let's look out for each other and show kindness and compassion always.